My Coding Resources
While I'm coding, I might need help as to where to find the lectures or docs I previously referred to in solving a problem. It will be available here
What is this page about?
I might be learning something like doing a small react or node project and so on by following some video tutorials or docs. During this, I might have learned something new from one of the videos in a large playlist or unfindable docs. It would be handy in making note of details about the features I built and where to refer to. For this reason this page is very helpful.
Adjust image size in img attribute
John Smilga course - 34.
Colors for css
Start generator. You can click the space bar to generate new colors. If you like a single color in there and would like to find more matching colors for that one, then lock the desired color and click the space bar.
Images and Logo, Build header, best practices
In this video, he says how to use position relative and then use top prop to properly align the text relative to its neighbours. He says how to use background image and images in html img tag.
Data fetching from different API links to different parts of the page.
During this, each API will take its own time and each part of the page will load in its own time.
How to load everything at once?
In Github project of John Smilga (downloaded Udemy course) you can find a lecture on Promise.allSettled() which is Lecture Number 32.
Using Auth0, Authentication and Authorization
Lecture 33 onwards
Authentication restrict access to pages until logged in
render prop in Route to dynamically show or hide the route
Use Redirect inside Route for hiding or showing route
Spreading the props using rest operator
Lecture 36. Private Routes
Note that we need two resources. The first one below is easily available, but second one is not easily available.
For implementing Login
For implementing redirect after login (Below link is not easily available in docs)
It was not easy to implement redirect after login as this docs was not available directly on site.
Create-React-App + React-Router-Dom+
Netlify BUG
There's a bug with this setup where react-router-dom gives page not found error when deployed to Netlify. The solution is shown in the video here.
Lecture Number 39. Deploy Gotchas.mp4
Solution : Make a directory called _redirects
in public folder and place the below text inside
/* /index.html 200
Also, if there are warnings then netlify will stop the build. To avoid this, in package.json, modify the following into below lines
"build" = "CI = react-scripts build"
Sidebar setup
Comfy sloth project, video 10-13
Export data from a file and that data to be exported has JSX in it
Comfy sloth project, video 17- Home page - services.mp4
You can use JSX but while doing so import react from 'react' in that file and it will work
Dealing with numbers (like money / dollar formatting)
Comfy sloth project, video 24. Format price.mp4
format is only to display price properly in UI. All the calculations actually we do in cents.
react-router history (navigating to a different page)
Comfy Sloth - 26. Single product - Loading, Error.mp4
Designing stars for reviews
Comfy Sloth - 29. Single Product Stars (manual approach).mp4 and 30 - array approach
array approach
{Array.from({ length: 5 }, (dontCare, index) => index + 1).map( (singleStar) => { return ( {stars >= singleStar ? ( ) : stars >= singleStar + 0.5 ? ( ) : ( )} ); } )}
Passing data between contexts
Passing an imported value of something as a state value in
is not possible. We can do it withuseEffect
Object reference -> Products and Filtered Products both should be the same, I mean the content initially but not the pointer to it. If it's pointing to the same object then changes on one would reflect the other which is not what we need.
Comfy Sloth - 33. Filter Context setup.mp4
Setting up sort functionality using select and option (drop-down)
Comfy Sloth - 38. Sort Component - Controlled Input.mp4
Setting up sort functionality (continued...)
How to use state value in reducer instead of passing action.payload (video time frame - 3:00)
Sort for strings - we can use localeCompare
Comfy Sloth - 39. Sort functionality.mp4
Setup filters (like price range, colours, max price and so on)
Comfy Sloth - 41. Filters - Text.mp4
We would have so many fields on which we can filter. We can do all those by using dynamic object properties setting. Refer to the video
Get the value of button in react (text in button)
Different test methods (query methods)
Any tool to find the query methods automagically?
Timestamp 33:20
Google chrome extension Testing Playground
Integration Test
Finding elements asynchronously (when page/element takes time to load)
How to test when we render a list of items that are dynamic from an API
How to mock data
Element already queried before user-event produces error. Once the DOM changes, it needs to be queried again.
Let's say we first test if element does not exist in DOM. Then, after we execute a user-event then we expect the same element to be present in DOM but that doesn't work. It doesn't work because we might be writing the expect statement based on the same query we did when element didn't exist. We need to requery again for that to pass.
To better understand this, watch this UDEMY Course by Laith Harb. 15. Adding the Error Handling Logic
Express, Mongo and Node
How to limit string values in mongoose (meaning, we should be able to use only those values mentioned)
John Udemy node course 133. Product Model
You can use enum
Populate the mongo db
John udemy 134. Populate DB
User Modal mongoose
John Udemy 173. User Modal
Mongoose Schema Validation
Setup postman tokens dynamically for different user
John Udemy 190. Set Token Dynamically in Postman
Mongoose Error Handling
Task Manager API section
110. Basic Validation 122. Custom Error Handler 123. Custom Error Class What was the doubt? I was getting HTML error in postman if user creation (duplicate email) has error I was wondering why I am not getting json. To understand this see 122 video
Watch these videos mentioned o left side in the same order to learn validation
Setup a user as admin (ROLES)
Udemy 252. User Roles
Udemy 269. Authorize Permissions - Complete
This is helpful when the user roles are dynamic and we have certain roles hit certain routes in our app
Last updated