You are given an array of two numbers [a,b]. Find the sum of those two numbers plus the sum of all the numbers between them.
Test Cases
sum([1, 4]) - Returns 10
sum([4, 1]) - Returns 10
// My Solutionconstarr= [4,1];constsortedArr=arr.sort(); //sorts in asc order let temp =0;for (let i = sortedArr[0]; i <= sortedArr[sortedArr.length-1]; i++) { temp += i;}console.log(temp);
2. Factorial Of Numbers (E)
Give an integer (num), find the factorial of that integer.
Test Cases
factorial(0) - Returns 1 (We're not going to understand the math behind this)
factorial(1) - Returns 1
factorial(4) - Returns 24
factorial(5) - Returns 120
// My Solutionfunctionfactorial(num) {// 2 -> 2 * fact(1)// 3 -> 3 * fact(2)if (num ===1|| num ===0) {return1; }return num *factorial(num -1);}console.log(factorial(5));
3. Fibonacci Sequence (E)
Give a number n, find the first n elements of the Fibonacci series.
Fibonacci Series is a series of numbers in which each number ( Fibonacci number ) is the sum of the two preceding numbers.
Test Cases
printFibonacci(2) - Returns 0 1
printFibonacci(7) - Returns 0 1 1 2 3 5 8
// My Solutionfunctionfibonacci (n) {if (n <2) {return n }returnfibonacci(n -1) +fibonacci(n -2)}functionprintFibonacci (n) {for (let i =0; i < n; i++) {console.log(fibonacci(i)) }}printFibonacci(7)
4. Find Prime Numbers (M)
Given two numbers min and max, find all the prime numbers in the range of min to max. (min and max included)
Test Cases
printPrime(0, 20) - Returns 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 18
// My SolutionfunctionprintPrime (min, max) {constprimeNums= []// starts from min and checks until maxfor(let num = min; num<=max; num++){let isPrime =true// check is used to divide numfor(let check =2; check <= num/2; check++){if(num%check ===0){ isPrime =false } }if(isPrime && num !==0&& num !==1 ){primeNums.push(num); } }return primeNums}console.log(printPrime(0,2))
// Codevolution Solution - (n) {let primeFlag =true// Sufficient to check till n/2for (let i =2; i <= n /2; i++) {// if n is divisible by any number then it is not primeif (n % i ===0) { primeFlag =falsebreak } }if (primeFlag) {console.log(n) }}functionprintPrime (min, max) {for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) {// Skip 0 and 1if (i ===0|| i ===1) {continue }isPrime(i) }}printPrime(0,20)
5. Is Palindrome (E)
Given a string (str), determine if it is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forwards, e.g. madam.
Given two strings (str1 and str2), determine if str1 is an anagram of str2. An Anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as spar, formed from rasp.
// My Solutionfunctionanagram(wordOne, wordTwo) {// sort both the words and then compare// can validate if both the params are string here before sortingconstsortedOne=wordOne.split("").sort().join("");constsortedTwo=wordTwo.split("").sort().join("");returnsortedOne.toLowerCase() ===sortedTwo.toLowerCase();}console.log(anagram("maAm","amma")); // trueconsole.log(anagram("mamm","amma")); // false
7. Reverse Words (E)
Given an input string (str), reverse the string word by word.
// My SolutionfunctionwordReverse(str) {// str -> Hello WorldconstwordArr=str.split(" "); // Hello World -> [Hello World]let reverseWord ="";console.log(wordArr.length)for (let i =wordArr.length-1; i >=0; i--) { reverseWord += wordArr[i] +" "; }return reverseWord;}console.log(wordReverse("Hello World"));
// Codevolution Solution - LOGIC - Split the string into array and then use reverse keyword and then join the arrayfunctionwordReverse(str) {// str -> Hello Worldreturnstr.trim().split(" ").reverse().join(" ")}console.log(wordReverse("Hello World"));
8. Unique element/s in the array (M)
Find first occurred unique element/s in array
// Print the first unique element of Arrayconstarr= [1,1,2,5,4,3,3,2]; // 5 is the first unique elementfor (let i =0; i <arr.length; i++) {let count =0;for (j =0; j <arr.length; j++) {if (arr[i] === arr[j]) { count++; }if (count >1) {break } }if (count ==1) {console.log(`The first unique element is ${arr[i]}`)return; }}
// Print the first unique element of Array// const arr = [1, 1, 2, 5, 3, 3, 2]; // 5 is the first unique elementconstarr= [1,1,2,3,3,2]; // no unique elementsfunctionfindUniqueElement(arr) {for (let i =0; i <arr.length; i++) {let count =0;for (j =0; j <arr.length; j++) {if (arr[i] === arr[j]) { count++; }if (count >1) {break } }if (count ==1) {console.log(`The first unique element is ${arr[i]}`)return; } }console.log("No unique elements found")}findUniqueElement(arr);
// Return all the unique element of Arrayconstarr= [1,1,2,5,3,3,2,8] // 5 and 8 is the first unique element// const arr = [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2] // no unique elementsconstuniqueArray= []functionfindUniqueElements(arr) {for (let i =0; i <arr.length; i++) {let count =0for (j =0; j <arr.length; j++) {if (arr[i] === arr[j]) { count++ }if (count >1) {break } }if (count ==1) {uniqueArray.push(arr[i]) } }return uniqueArray}console.log(findUniqueElements(arr))
10. Remove Vowels from String (E)
Remove 'a','e','i','o',u'
// vowels - a, e, i, o, uconststr="vishwas"constconsonents= str.split("").filter(letter =>!(letter ==="a"|| letter ==="e"|| letter ==="i"|| letter ==="o"|| letter ==="u")).join("")console.log(consonents)
functionremoveVowels (str) {// g - global, i - case insensitivereturnstr.replace(/[aeiou]/gi,'')}console.log(removeVowels('Hello World'))
11. Reverse Words (E)
// reverse wordsfunctionreverseWords(words) {constwordsArray=words.split(" ").reverse().join(" ")console.log(wordsArray)}reverseWords("Hello World") // World Hello