Cascading style sheets
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Cascading style sheets
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Loads the HTML
Parse the HTML
Create the DOM tree
Meanwhile, after the step2, it also loads CSS
Parses CSS (2 Steps)
Resolve conflicting CSS declarations through a process known as cascades
Process final CSS values (like converting % into px and so on)
Finally, the parsed CSS is stored in CSOM (CSS Object model just like DOM)
DOM + CSOM forms rendered tree
The browser uses the Visual formatting model to render the page using the rendered tree.
Finally, the website is rendered to the screen
Remember, in the parsing phase we have two steps: Let's look at the first step
Resolve conflicting CSS declarations through a process known as cascades
The CSS can come from many sources
The one we write is called Author declarations
The other one is User declaration where the user changes CSS in the browser
Browser declarations (default/ user-agent css) when no styles are applied by the developer
The cascade resolves conflicts using Specificity
BEM is one of the CSS class naming conventions while writing HTML markups
Three ways of using responsive images
Overview: High resolution means high pixels. For example, Normal resolutions use 100 physical pixels to display 100px (1X screen). High resolution will have 2 physical pixels per 1px. So 100px will actually have 200 physical pixels (2X screens - Macbook with retina display)
Resolution switching - Using the same image but with a lower resolution for the small screen
Density switching (We use srcset
instead of src) - Reducing the pixel density for a low-resolution screen. Using a different image that has low pixel density for a lower resolution screen. One image for higher res and the other for lower res.
Art direction (we use picture) - Using a different image altogether for a smaller screen
margin: auto
auto doesn't work. Second auto places in certer but first auto is considered to be 0. This is as per w3C standards but not sure why.
There are a few points you should understand before approaching this
Position absolute lifts up the element from normal flow and places it at the left top corner (still floated and not on the base yet) of relatively positioned element.
When element is still floating, the margin:auto doesn't work. The width, and height and margin(of some value) still works. The moment you set position :absolute, the width and height sets to fit content even though it is a block element.
How to remember what works
Well, imagine the element is lifted to outer dimension and it has no access to it's sorroundings. In that case the margin:auto cannot be set because margin is related to it's sorrounding. When I say margin 20px, this works because it understands, "Ok I need to move 20px all sides". Remember it is still not related to it's sorroundings.
So the question is how to remember what properties work on an absoultely positioned/lifted element? Any property which is related to element itself and not to it's sorroundings will work. Except margin:auto everything else work as they are related to the element itself.
Now considering back the floating element again. First, for a floated element to sit back on the normal flow, we need to specify top, bottom,left and right. Doing so will bring back the element to where ever we want.
This is the way we pick an element from where we don't want by defining position: absoulte
and put it back where ever we want by using top, left, bottom and right
Now that we understand how positioned absiolute works, we can now say the margin auto works now on absolutely positioned element after defining top,left,bottom and right.
Now that we understood the basics, lets move on.
To center the element vertically, the element must be positioned abosulte, set top, bottom, left and right to 0 and then put margin:auto auto.
But that's not it, the relative container and this absolute container should have a height defined.
Talking about the height, one thing is worth keeping in mind. Body height can be set to 100% only when it's parent's height (html height is set to 100%)
Container (div) inside body can be set (height) to 100% only when body's height is 100%. Meaning, for div to have 100% height, body and html should have 100% height. That is so much of pain. The simple way to directly set the height of this div container is by doing height:100vh. This is why 100vh is better than 100%.
3 ways
Inline styles ---- 1st priority
<style></style> tag within head ----- whichever comes first compared to link. Technically it should be placed inside the head but the truth is it can be placed anywhere in the HTML document and how many ever times you want.
External CSS - Linking style sheet to HTML using link tag in the head ----- whichever comes first compared to <style> tag
Before continuing, always remember, this is the way to read the style. for example,
h3 p{
Style is applied to second occuring element which is p and not h3. This rule applies to all the combinators. Let's say for div + h3, the style is applied on second occuring element which is h3 and not div (which is first occuring in the equation).
This is how you should read it. Apply style on p appearing in h3. Now continue to read different selectors
Simple selectors (select elements based on name, id, class)
Universal selector (*)
Element selector (h1, p, etc)
ID selector (#)
Class Selector (.)
Group Selector (h1,h2,h3)
Small variation of 2 and 5. -> h3.myclass{ color : red} // all h3 having myclass class gets red color
Combinator selectors (select elements based on a specific relationship between them)
Pseudo-class selectors (select elements based on a certain state)
Pseudo-elements selectors (select and style a part of an element)
Attribute selectors (select elements based on an attribute or attribute value)
There are 4 combinator selectors
Descendant combinator (ul li) - all something inside something
Child combinator (div > p) - all direct children (p in this case) inside parent (div in this case)
Adjacent sibling combinator (h3 + p) - one p next to (sibling of) h3
General sibling combinator (h3 ~ p) - all p next to (siblings of ) h3
A pseudo-class is a keyword added to an element to define a special state of that element.
For example, it can be used to:
Style an element when a user mouses over it
Style visited and unvisited links differently
Style an element when it gets focus
Some of the most used pseudo-classes
Full list here. Go through when you're super bored 😐
All CSS selectors point downwards and not upwards. Meaning, I can select a child or multiple children or siblings(downwards) using parent. But I can not style the parent using the sibling using pure and direct CSS. For Example, I can hover the parent element and then change the color of the child, but I can't hover the child and change the color of the parent.
A CSS pseudo-element is used to style specified parts of an element.
For example, it can be used to:
Style the first letter, or line, of an element
Insert content before, or after, the content of an element
There are 6 pseudo-element selectors
Works only for
Insert something before the content of each <p> element
Insert something after the content of each <p> element
works only for block elements
Selects the first letter of each <p> element
works only for block elements
Selects the first line of each <p> element
Selects the markers of list items
If nothing is specified, just like ::selection
, then it works for all elements
Selects the portion of an element that is selected by a user
is important inside before and after. Also, the box-sizing:border-box
doesn't apply for pseudo-elements, so we might have to specify it deliberately.
Targets all the elements with a specific attribute. We can also specify weather to select the values of the attribute also, and if yes, we can choose exactly the way we want to target the value containing something in the attribute
Margin collapse happens when two boxes have a margin in between them in which case, the box which has a higher margin is considered and the box which has a lower margin also gets the same margin from the box which has a higher margin. The two margins will not get added up.
Inline elements cannot have width, height, top, and bottom margin
, padding
. It can have left, and right margin
and padding
. Elements can sit side by side.
Example: span
, a
Block elements will occupy the entire space even if the width is not 100%. Width and height can be set on this. Elements can't sit next to each other.
Example: div,h1-h6, p, form, header, footer,text-area.img
Note that the img
is inline by default
but behaves like an inline-block
element as we can set width and height.
Similar to inline. But we can set width, height, top and bottom margins, and paddings. Elements can sit next to each other.
Example: button, select
Create an example in vscode with the code below and practice the given link.
To learn each property quickly, here's the playlist you can refer to
Flex-basis : Equal to width when flex-direction is row and equal to height when flex-direction is column
After some research, I found this is the difference and there are not much differences
Learn the interactive way above
How to remember and practice grid?
I've divided the tasks you can do so that you can code these tasks for quick practice.
Define 6 divs inside a container div
Make the grid active (display:grid)
Change one column to multiple columns (grid-template-columns)
Change the height of the rows (grid-template-rows)
Give the grid gap (grid-gap -> combination of grid-row-gap and grid-column-gap)
Now that you've learnt how to use rows and columns, apply fr units for the above inorder to make columns responsive (as window is expanded the columns also grows with fr)
write this 1fr 1fr 1fr in a simpler way using repeat
Do this with both columns and rows
Now define short-hand for grid-template-colums and rows which is grid-template:row/col
Now do the website layout with header, content, menu and footer
Define starting position of header and ending position to occupy the entire first row.
Represent the grid-col-start and grid-col-end by a short hand property grid-column
Do the same for footer
Instead of 1 / 3, you can also do 1 / span 2 (start from 1 and span 2). Also can do 1 / -1 to span from 1 to end
Make it a 12 col layout for menu and content to occupy the space in a proportion. (This is bit confusing but you get used to it😊
Make layouts shown below (grid-assignments 1 through 4) 😎 (I actually did it the first time, wow so great of me😎)
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Make the grid responsive in vertical way by adding height 100% to the container and set content and menu row to auto
Use grid-template-area property in container (parent) in order to make grid-area work in the elements.
Assignment below
Congratulations : 👏 You have now completed the first part of CSS grid. Let's learn some advance CSS grid techniques now
When viewed in normal screen the elements should be 6 and in mobile it should be 2 per row. So we need to vary amount of columns as per the width of the container.
Use minmax to consider 100px or 1fr (which ever is suitable to fit the screen)
Automatically create rows of a defined size. Till now we just defined the grid-template-rows
manually like (100px 100px
), but what if the items, when window is shrinked, fall back to 3rd row and in that case there is no defined height for the row. This can be done by grid-auto-rows
Assignment 5
Make horizontal images 2 times wider
Do the same with vertical images
Do the same vertically and horizontally for some images at the same time
Doing the above creates gaps in the grid, get rid of them usinggrid-auto-flow
Assignment 6
Write named lines for header, footer ,menu and content layout
Assignment 7
Play around with justify-content, justify-items, align-content and align-items.
Note :Justify content is the same as flex-box. In flex-box it takes values of flex-start | flex-end | center
, and in the grid it takes start | end | center
.space-between, space-around, space-evenly
remains same as flexbox.
align-content is defined for container to align their entire content (all at once without changing its shape) in vertical access
justify-content is defined for container to align their entire content (all at once without changing its shape) in horizontal access
align-items is defined on continer to align items in vertical access (shape might change)
justify-items is defined on continer to justify items in horizontal access (shape might change)
To align the individual item, specify align-self in the item for vertical and justify self for horizontal.
Combine css grid and flex box
How do you combine CSS grid with Flexbox?
Well, a grid item can be made flex container to layout the items in one dimension.
Practice grid by building this
can be center/right/left. We can use this to align the text inside a div. We can't move the entire div itself using text-align.
works to move the div to the center provided, the width of the div must be less than 100%.
can be underline, overline, line-through, and so on.
capitalize, uppercase, lowercase
Font size can be in px
, rem
, em
and %
. 1px is 1 unit of the number of pixels present on the screen. Giving this is not good because every screen size will show the fonts differently.
is relative to the parent's font size. If parent is 10px and child is 3em then child gets 3 * 10px = 30px.
is relative to the root's font size. The root is <html> stag. The default value of html
is 16px.
For easy calculations, we take this 16px root font size as 10px by making it 62.5% so it will be consistent on all screens.
% sets the font size in percentage. Let's say font-size
of the element is 20px. If I set it to 200% then it will become 40%.
In media queries, I always have confusion as to min-width and max-width applications. Here's the clarity
static (default) - same as relative but top/bottom/left/right/z-index has no effect.
relative - same as static but top/bottom/left/right/z-index will now work
An element with position: static
is not positioned in any special way; it is always positioned according to the normal flow of the page.
position: relative;
An element with position: relative;
is positioned relative to its normal position. Setting the top, right, bottom, and left properties of a relatively positioned element will cause it to be adjusted away from its normal position. Other content will not be adjusted to fit into any gap left by the element.
An element with position: fixed;
is positioned relative to the viewport, which means it always stays in the same place even if the page is scrolled. The top, right, bottom, and left properties are used to position the element.
An element with position: absolute;
is positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor (instead of positioned relative to the viewport, like fixed). However; if an absolute positioned element has no positioned ancestors, it uses the document body, and moves along with page scrolling.
Other definition of position:absolute
The element is removed from the flow and is relatively positioned to its first non-static ancestor. to/bottom etc works.
Note: A "positioned" element is one whose position is anything except static
An element with position: sticky;
is positioned based on the user's scroll position. A sticky element toggles between relative
and fixed
, depending on the scroll position. It is positioned relative until a given offset position is met in the viewport - then it "sticks" in place (like position:fixed
Two versions of SaaS.
SaaS -> Indeneted
ScSS -> Parenthesis
CSS also has variables but saas had been introduced earlier.
We can use a map to store scss variables just like JS map.
Looking above we can say & makes it possible to refer to the parent. What if I need . .main .main__paragraph{}.
I mean the descendent selector? that's where we use interpolation
We can separate the files in Saas for maintainablility. How to do that?
We create a partial saas files. This partial saas file will start with an underscore.
css file will not be created for this partial saas file, rather it will be treated as the part of main scss file which is just placed in a separeate file.
We then include this in the main saas file by using @import nameOfParatialFile
. No need to put underscore or extension while importing
Used when we want to avoid repeated typing.
Let's say we have some properties we always want to use in multple places. Then we can create a mixin for these commands and use them where we want. Writing a mixin will then be same as including those lines of CSS properties everywhere.
What if we want to change flex-direction in the above example. Let's say for a few cases we have to have flex-direction row and columns a few times, so we can pass an argument.
The difference is, a function is used to set the property of a CSS. Let's say we want font-weight like in above functions example, we called the function at the value of font-weight like below
Whereas, mixin is used to replace the lines of code and not just a single CSS property. In the above mixin example, we are replacing 5 lines of code (reusing these lines of code).
So, function -> for single property and mixin for multiple CSS lines.
Can be used to set light and dark themes.
@if is an if loop similar to normal if loop.
Can be used to set media-queries
@content is a property which acts like a place-holder for set of values just like mixin. See the example below
Let's say you have two paragraphs and you have defined a bunch of styles for p1. Now, you want all those styles to be included in p2 but you want to make changes to one or two properties, then you can use extend. Imagine this like copying an object using spread operator {...} and then making necessary changes to the properties you want.
Features of SaaS
File seperation (Partial files)
Mixins (used for avoiding repeated typing)
Function vs Mixin
Use cases of mixin