Company based Tech Questions

This is based on the research done from glassdoor and other sources as to what a company can ask during technical round

Point Click Care

Software Engineer position

  1. You have an 8 litre jug full of water and two smaller jugs, one that contains 5 litres and the other 3 litres. None of the jugs have markings on them, nor do you have any additional measuring device.You have to divide the 8 litres of water equally between your two best friends, so that each gets 4 litres of water. How can you do this? ( Logical )

  2. Write algorithm to find the length of longest correctly formed parantheses sequence (Algorithm)

  3. Tell whether the given sql query will work or not (Technical)

  4. Various Oops concepts (multithreading, abstractions, interfaces) ( Technical )

  5. Collections frameworks (Vectors, Hashmaps and Hash tables) ( Technical )

  6. Design priciples(Singletons, Abstract factory) ( Techincal )

  7. on paper, code optimization question using singleton, abstract and interfaces ( Technical )

  8. PCCs trademarks question, finding faulty coin using a scale ( Logical )

  9. Animal / Zoo program using interfaces and abstract classes ( Technical )

  10. Some algorithm question like sorting ( Technical )

  11. Data Structure(), Problem Solving(), Puzzles, Past Project(), Spring, Algorithms(), OOP and refactoring code. ( Random )

  12. Basic Java question and some basic data structure questions. eg. how to check if a string is a palindrome. ( Technical )

  13. Data structure algorithm questions and riddles ( Random )

  14. Java core questions, Spring, 5 Puzzles, SQL, Code refactoring, Code analysis, Data structure basic Linked List, Hash Map, Hash Set ( Random )

What I can prepare based on the above list

Preparation material

Morgan Stanley

  • How you create a data structure that can give back with O(1) the highest item from a stack.

Last updated