Company based Tech Questions
This is based on the research done from glassdoor and other sources as to what a company can ask during technical round
Point Click Care
Software Engineer position
You have an 8 litre jug full of water and two smaller jugs, one that contains 5 litres and the other 3 litres. None of the jugs have markings on them, nor do you have any additional measuring device.You have to divide the 8 litres of water equally between your two best friends, so that each gets 4 litres of water. How can you do this? ( Logical )
Write algorithm to find the length of longest correctly formed parantheses sequence (Algorithm)
Tell whether the given sql query will work or not (Technical)
Various Oops concepts (multithreading, abstractions, interfaces) ( Technical )
Collections frameworks (Vectors, Hashmaps and Hash tables) ( Technical )
Design priciples(Singletons, Abstract factory) ( Techincal )
on paper, code optimization question using singleton, abstract and interfaces ( Technical )
PCCs trademarks question, finding faulty coin using a scale ( Logical )
Animal / Zoo program using interfaces and abstract classes ( Technical )
Some algorithm question like sorting ( Technical )
Data Structure(), Problem Solving(), Puzzles, Past Project(), Spring, Algorithms(), OOP and refactoring code. ( Random )
Basic Java question and some basic data structure questions. eg. how to check if a string is a palindrome. ( Technical )
Data structure algorithm questions and riddles ( Random )
Java core questions, Spring, 5 Puzzles, SQL, Code refactoring, Code analysis, Data structure basic Linked List, Hash Map, Hash Set ( Random )
What I can prepare based on the above list
Preparation material
SQL - Group By, Order By, Having, Where -
Morgan Stanley
How you create a data structure that can give back with O(1) the highest item from a stack.
Last updated