I must know them BEFORE INTERVIEW
Know these in and out
What is JavaScript
JS compile scenario
Datatypes of JS
What is the difference between querySelectorAll and getElementsByClassName (or getElementsByTagName)? https://chat.openai.com/share/bfc44d15-f3cb-45e4-b9ca-2216d79d52c0
Debouncing and Throttling - Implementation of both, examples of each
Cookies, Local Storage, Session storage
Async Await
Var, Let, and Const
Iterator and Iterable
Call, Bind, and Apply
Closures - Advantages, Disadvantages, with an example implementation
Map vs Set for problem-solving
Array and Object iteration method problem-solving
Js Working behind the scenes
Event loop
Function types
Ways to create an object
Prototypal inheritance
this keyword
== vs ===
Type coercion
nan vs undefined vs not-defined
Pass by value vs reference
Currying - Methods of creating currying
Map, Reduce, and Filter
Must watch videos
Top 5 JS interview questions
Tricky JS interview questions
Javascript coding challenges practice
My JS notes, and CSS
For JS theory, study the JS notes on gitbook, and for promises, study my handwritten notes or refer to code with harry videos quickly
For CSS, study W3 schools and know these concepts
How to select CSS children
If green div is inside blue div, if blue div is hovered then green div should disappear
If green div is hovered, blue div can't disappear as it is the parent so you need JS. See how to do it in JS
For these things you need to study CSS Selectors - https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_selectors.asp
Do the accordion app in Plain HTML, JS and also do this in react
That way, it is a good practice of JS and React before you go to interview
Application Form
Do a small HTML, JS app where you have 3 inputs, username, email and phone. If they are empty then you should show an error message that is already written in HTML (just apply css class in js to show the error). Once the form is good, submit it so that it should be added to an array (window object maybe) and could be shown on the screen.
Do the same in react
Image slider
Do an image slider in JS
Do it in react as well
You should practice these before you go to interview
Practice SQL from https://www.sql-practice.com/. There are around 42 questions here including Easy, Medium and Hard.
Solve Leetcode top 50 questions of SQL, https://leetcode.com/studyplan/top-sql-50/
Practice DSA from my notion notes
Last updated